Get to know Lexicon Systems, LLC

Our focus

Lexicon Systems, LLC focuses on environment, health & safety (EHS) and sustainability management issues and the information technology (IT) to support them.

Our clients

Lexicon Systems, LLC serves a global clientele of executives, senior management and professionals in the regulated community, independent software vendors, private equity investors, consulting firms and attorneys. 

Our professionals

Our staff has completed projects in industries such as:

  • Upstream, midstream and downstream energy
  • Commodity and specialty chemicals
  • Pulp & paper
  • Auto, truck and heavy equipment manufacturing
  • Food processing
  • Private equity
  • Consulting
  • Enterprise software

Our approach

Environment, health and safety (EHS), sustainability and environmental, social and governance (ESG) efforts have distinct—often overlapping—management, record keeping and reporting requirements.

Our senior staff understands your industry and its issues, and arrives at solutions thoughtfully and quickly. We help you tame the chaos.


Lexicon Systems, LLC differs from traditional management consulting, EHS consulting and software implementation firms. Our unique lexicon of knowledge offers several advantages:

  • Seasoned consultants
  • Targeted solutions
  • Experience solving complex issues
  • Independent approach
  • Understanding of IT Integration
  • Positions in industry and software firms
  • Proven project managers
  • Effective and reliable

Our experts average over 25 years of hands-on experience in a broad range of industries. We are as comfortable on the plant or refinery floor as in the boardroom. You might expect this in management consultants. Add software product management, development, implementation and training expertise to the mix, to yield people who understand your business and its issues, plus the systems that make it run.”

Jill Barson Gilbert, President, CEO & Founder


Our innovative approach helps you find the right software solutions. We combine cutting-edge technology, strategic thinking, and creative problem-solving to deliver comprehensive solutions that meet your business objectives.


Having seasoned advisors with a wealth of experience allows Lexicon Systems, LLC to make decisions seamlessly, streamline processes, and avoid costly mistakes. This ultimately saves you resources, time and money.


Our consultants are independent, not tied to specific software or technology providers. We define clear criteria, conduct thorough evaluations, and make data-driven decisions to identify the best-fit solutions for your needs.

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